How you can practise authenticity and self-compassion through words

How you can practise authenticity and self-compassion through words

Finding meaning in words I find a lot of solace and constance in words and the English language. It’s something I’ve always loved, and English was always my favourite subject at school, so much so that I’m studying it at university. I find it so liberating that we have the power to express ourselves in…

Why I’m rejecting the label of ‘disabled’ that’s come with an autistic spectrum diagnosis

Why I’m rejecting the label of ‘disabled’ that’s come with an autistic spectrum diagnosis

I have recently been diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). But, not only have I received this new label from my diagnosis, I’ve automatically picked up another label too… I am now classed as ‘disabled’. Now, I recognise my diagnosis, but does that really mean I’m ‘disabled’ just because I have been diagnosed with ASD?…

How learning about introversion can be empowering

How learning about introversion can be empowering

I’ve always been introverted, but I haven’t always understood what that means. It wasn’t until my early twenties, that the word introvert was bought to my attention, and that changed everything. I’d often leave social situations feeling drained. I felt simultaneously jealous and grateful that I’m so different my older sister who was constantly out…

Meet Stacie; Your perfectly imperfect Community Coordinator

Meet Stacie; Your perfectly imperfect Community Coordinator

What stops you from sharing yourself with the world?  For me, it’s the fear of rejection. Built on that are the fears of failure and the fear of being seen for who I am; digging deep beneath it, it’s believing I’m unworthy and undeserving; all topped off with a dollop of feeling not enough. A…

Tom’s story: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Tom’s story: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

In a sense, this is a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ or, more accurately, two countries; actually three if you count this one. This short tale is about asking for help when you don’t think you need it. It is a tale of contradictions. In 2011 I moved, with my wife and two daughters, from a…

Why you should aim to be authentic instead of perfect
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Why you should aim to be authentic instead of perfect

Remember how it felt at school, when a teacher would ask a question that you had no clue how to answer? So many of us have felt the sinking feeling of being picked despite our best efforts to appear invisible. (I’m talking shrinking down in seats, avoiding eye contact with the teacher- the best avoidance…

How I’m rethinking social media to reduce anxiety

How I’m rethinking social media to reduce anxiety

Imagine this… It’s late one evening and you’re home alone. You’ve just finished a quick, less than interesting dinner and are watching something terribly boring on television. It hasn’t been a great or particularly productive day. As you are winding down to go to bed, your phone dings. On the screen is a notification from…

What happens when you stretch your comfort zone at university
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What happens when you stretch your comfort zone at university

It’s fair to assume that if I have something coming up that I’m worrying about, I’ll be thinking of a thousand different ways things could go wrong. Because of this, situations often seem like they’re going to be worse than they realistically could ever be. Like a vicious cycle, the anxious thoughts can increase. However,…

How an unplanned gap year helped me to get confident for university

How an unplanned gap year helped me to get confident for university

One girl, a gap year, a university, and a whole lot of fear. That’s the run down of things right now. Let me explain… Things don’t always go to plan My intention was to start university last year, straight from college as most of my friends were doing. I was a mix of excitement and fear….