Why quietly connect?
It’s not just you.
We know it’s not always easy to be a quiet person in a loud society. Sometimes your quietness is misunderstood. Sometimes you might struggle to be heard and achieve the things that are important to you. And often meeting new people can feel out of reach or overwhelming.
But we’re here to say that your introverted, sensitive or shy temperament does not need to hold you back.
We celebrate your qualities and we firmly believe that connecting quiet people and providing opportunities to learn about how we can live our most authentic, fulfilling lives will help to create a more curious, compassionate and connected world overall.
We know connection works.
We’ve spent decades building the knowledge and tools to help people with quiet natures feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. And we know from firsthand experience, and from the feedback we’ve received from our wonderful Quieteers, that forming genuine connections with likeminded people can have a profound impact on our mental health, relationships, career and life satisfaction.
A sense of belonging and feeling part of a community is something that we all need. We’re here to help make that happen for you, alongside people who truly understand you and your challenges.
There's plenty of research to back up our philosophies around connection too. Find out more here.
How to get involved
There are several ways that you can join our community and feel the positive benefits for yourself. To gently connect with others in safe, relaxing spaces across Cornwall take a look at our Meet Ups. For personal development and support, we offer compassionate 1:1 coaching. Or for learning that you can do from the comfort of home, try our online training programme.