Eighteen Years On: A Quiet Reflection on Strength, Survival, and Self-Acceptance

Eighteen Years On: A Quiet Reflection on Strength, Survival, and Self-Acceptance

Eighteen years ago, I reached a moment where the pain felt unbearable. Aged eighteen, I believed there was no way forward, no space for me in this world. The weight of expectations, unspoken fears, and the feeling of not belonging had become overwhelming. But somehow, I am still here. In the years since that suicide…

Creating a More Inclusive, Quiet-Friendly World: The Vision of Quiet Connections

Creating a More Inclusive, Quiet-Friendly World: The Vision of Quiet Connections

In a world that often equates loudness with success, those of us who are naturally quiet can feel out of place, undervalued, and misunderstood. But what if our quietness was not just acceptable, but celebrated? What if the world recognised the strength, insight, and empathy that quiet people bring to the table? This is the…

Loneliness, Introversion and Interventions

Loneliness, Introversion and Interventions

The problem of loneliness in the UK appears to be compounded for introverted personalities with research suggesting that introversion is found to be significantly associated with loneliness (Buecker et al., 2020). While many people feel they have few close friends in the UK, with 12% reporting that they have only one, the number of close…

The rise of loneliness in the UK: Opportunity and Capacity for Connection
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The rise of loneliness in the UK: Opportunity and Capacity for Connection

Chronic loneliness rose by over half a million people to 7.1% between 2020-2023 in the United Kingdom (UK) (McClelland, 2023) with almost half of all adults reporting feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always (Campaign to End Loneliness, 2023). Our social landscape has radically changed at a fast pace, reducing conditions for social connectedness despite…

What it takes to feel like you matter
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What it takes to feel like you matter

Have you felt like you don’t matter? I wonder how many of do. I, for one, spent years feeling this way. Like it doesn’t matter if I’m at that event, with those people, or if I even exist. Who will notice? Who will be affected? Reduced feelings of ‘mattering’ have been found to contribute to loneliness…

Quieteer Nicola opens ‘Pawsitive Pets’ Pet Food Bank & More in Falmouth

Quieteer Nicola opens ‘Pawsitive Pets’ Pet Food Bank & More in Falmouth

Hi, I’m Nikk. I started with Quiet Connections in 2017 when it was just a little seed. I have seen it grow and have been involved in it as much as I can over this time by attending courses, groups, socials and coaching. Through all my time with Quiet Connections, I have grown myself from…

Help us learn more about quiet students’ experiences of secondary schools

Help us learn more about quiet students’ experiences of secondary schools

You can help if you have been a student at, or worked in any role within, a UK Secondary School. We’re researching quiet students’ experiences within UK secondary schools, with the aim of collecting enough data to better understand and raise awareness about the challenges that quiet students in schools face, with the intention of…

I thought it was just me -now we’re a compassionate community and six years old!

I thought it was just me -now we’re a compassionate community and six years old!

Quiet Connections is six years old! I thought it was just me –that I was weird, defective and didn’t fit in. For as long as I could remember, I’d been shy and struggled to talk to people or cope with attention. I hid myself away, expecting rejection, and keeping myself isolated in the ‘shy box’…

Assuming the best in others to grow kindness & connection
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Assuming the best in others to grow kindness & connection

I’m a quiet person. Usually. I get quieter in groups. More so when people are new to me. And because of this, I’ve been misunderstood a lot in my life. I’ve been assumed to be rude, disinterested, stuck up, bitchy, and to dislike people, amongst other things. But that’s not me at all. I’ve always…

What does a volunteer Quiet Connector do at a Meet Up?
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What does a volunteer Quiet Connector do at a Meet Up?

Our volunteer Quiet Connectors have a very important role to play at our Meet Ups. Every interaction they have grows our quieteers’ sense of connection and belonging. Their friendliness, attentiveness, support and reassurance helps to create a positive experience for that person, while nurturing a connected community where we can all flourish. A Quiet Connector…