Speaking in groups as a shy student: What I’d like teachers to understand

Speaking in groups as a shy student: What I’d like teachers to understand

Speaking in a group as a shy student at school was a problem for me. One of the worst experiences I can remember is the speaking exam I had to do for GCSE English which involved having a discussion in a group of four students and the teacher. I could usually respond verbally if I…

From “What’s wrong with me?” to “What’s up with us humans?” – with Jeremy Sherman PHD, Researcher & Psychoproctologist

From “What’s wrong with me?” to “What’s up with us humans?” – with Jeremy Sherman PHD, Researcher & Psychoproctologist

Guest: Jeremy Sherman PHD, Researcher & Psychoproctologist Website | Twitter | LinkedIn Jeremy Sherman, PhD is a cradle-to-grave science researcher and writer studying the unbroken chain from the origins of life from chemistry to humankind’s grave situation today. He’s the author of the Columbia University Press book Neither Ghost Nor Machine: The emergence and nature of…

How Setting Small Challenges Can Help You Overcome Social Anxiety – with Kyle Mitchell, of Social Anxiety Kyle

How Setting Small Challenges Can Help You Overcome Social Anxiety – with Kyle Mitchell, of Social Anxiety Kyle

Guest: Kyle Mitchell Website | Instagram  Transcript Stacie Clark Hello and welcome back to the quiet connections podcast. I’m Stacie. Have you ever felt as though you are the only one struggling? Or thought that you’ll never be able to hold a conversation, easily make friends, assert yourself, or say the things you want to?…

Why Can’t You Speak? – with Chelsea Gamache, the Selective Mutism Podcast Host

Why Can’t You Speak? – with Chelsea Gamache, the Selective Mutism Podcast Host

Guest: Chelsea Gamache Website | Instagram | Facebook Transcript Hayley Stanton: Have you ever felt like you just can’t get your words out? Like somebody talks to you and you just seem to freeze? And your words get stuck in your throat? Well in this episode we are talking about how being unable to get…

How to Survive College When You Feel Anxious Speaking Up

How to Survive College When You Feel Anxious Speaking Up

Get your Student Resource Pack here Rose Burch Hi friend. Welcome to the Quiet Connections podcast. Do you feel anxious and not good enough in social situations? Feel like you’re weird, broken or don’t fit in? You are not alone. Join Haley and Stacie on a journey to quiet confidence. Picking up key insights to…

Surviving college when you feel anxious about speaking up [PODCAST]

Surviving college when you feel anxious about speaking up [PODCAST]

Do you ever worry that you’re ‘too quiet’ in class? Pray that a lecturer won’t pick you to answer the question in front of everyone? Die a little inside when you hear that word… “PRESENTATION”? Perhaps feel concerned about making friends? Or what your peers will think of you? It can feel hard attending college…

What you should know about group sharing and vulnerability

What you should know about group sharing and vulnerability

‘Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.’ Brene Brown – Daring Greatly. Like many introverts, I have always been a chronic hater of sharing with the group. Allowing myself to be vulnerable – seen, heard and judged. Speaking in class, staff…

We may not say a lot or speak it loud, but our words are important

We may not say a lot or speak it loud, but our words are important

In the nineteenth century, when the Bronte sisters published their literary works, they did so under male pseudonyms. It was either that or they were at risk of their novels, at best, not being taken seriously, at worst, never to be seen hot off the press and selling at all. Clearly, there was no question,…

Mindset tips for overcoming nervousness in speaking

Mindset tips for overcoming nervousness in speaking

At April’s Speaking Connections gathering, we spent some time sharing the valuable tips that our members are already using in overcoming nervousness in speaking. This is one of a two-part post sharing our members’ wisdom. Look out for our previous post passing on the gatherings practical tips. Getting into the right frame of mind What can you do to relax before an…