Why it’s time for you to be kinder to yourself

Why it’s time for you to be kinder to yourself

How can Mindfulness help? Mindfulness has become a buzzword of late – known for being a vital component in a self-care tool kit, along with exercise, eating healthily, and all those other things that you know are good for you but you don’t actually do… (Or is that just me?) I knew that mindfulness and…

What you should know about group sharing and vulnerability

What you should know about group sharing and vulnerability

‘Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.’ Brene Brown – Daring Greatly. Like many introverts, I have always been a chronic hater of sharing with the group. Allowing myself to be vulnerable – seen, heard and judged. Speaking in class, staff…

Why using alcohol to fend off the fear of socialising does not make you confident (and what it does instead)

Why using alcohol to fend off the fear of socialising does not make you confident (and what it does instead)

What Dry January has taught me about drinking for confidence. I’ve always loved booze. Drinking has been a way of calming my feelings of social anxiety, giving me the confidence to speak to strangers and get up on the dancefloor at parties. But recently, I’ve been rethinking my relationship with my much loved social lubricant….