What permission do you need to be who you really are in the world?

What permission do you need to be who you really are in the world?

Being seen as imperfect Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to do the things that we think we shouldn’t do. To behave in a way that doesn’t necessarily fit with how we’re seen. To do the things that scare us and show ourselves as the vulnerable, imperfect human beings we are. I’ve given myself…

How I found the courage to be seen on BBC Spotlight

How I found the courage to be seen on BBC Spotlight

We can all be courageous with a good enough reason Did you see me getting vulnerable on BBC Spotlight? If you missed it, here I am with Stacie, Fi and Gemma from our speaking club, sharing our mental health stories about suicide ideation and attempts with BBC Health Correspondent, Jenny Walrond. When Jenny asked if…

How the way I coped with feeling self-conscious led to increased anxiety

How the way I coped with feeling self-conscious led to increased anxiety

Never enough I’m not alone in being self-conscious of my appearance. By the age of 16, I was a size 8, or “far too skinny” and “barely eating” as my dad reminded me recently. I always thought I was too fat. Never skinny enough. Never pretty enough. Never tall enough, tanned enough or blonde enough. I…

Asking for what you need when what you need isn’t understood

Asking for what you need when what you need isn’t understood

When you don’t ask for what you need because you don’t want to inconvenience someone Asking for what you need really isn’t easy, and even more so when you feel that what you need isn’t fully understood by other people. One particular example for me is my need for an uncluttered environment. The way that…