Courage is contagious

I’m just a drop in the ocean, but look at the ripple effect one drop can make…

I’m continuing to share my stories more and more publicly, and I’m helping others to do this too.

This is Jenny and Tony from BBC Spotlight. Today, myself and three ladies from our speaking club met with Jenny for an interview about our personal experiences of mental health. In particular, suicidal thinking.

Tonight, I am feeling awed by the bravery of my three friends and the compassion they show for others. Each one had a powerful message they wanted to share with people who have a similar story to theirs, reaching out and offering hope. And each one felt anxious about the experience before and during the interview. Yet, they all chose to show up. And they all spoke their truth driven by the desire to help others and create change. For a room of people who’s aim in life has been to keep small, be quiet and stay unseen, that’s a remarkable achievement.

But there weren’t three courageously compassionate strong women there today; there were four. And when I reflect on this, I am awed by my own progress. It’s amazing to think I was once that ‘scared little girl’ and now I have the ability to speak up. But what’s more incredible is, as I’m speaking out, other people are joining me and sharing their stories too. This ripple effect started with my first act of courage. This is how change beings.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

-Mother Teresa


  • Hi, I’m Hayley - the original quieteer. I, too, identify as a quiet person. I’m naturally a highly sensitive introvert and I love and appreciate my quiet strengths now, but I spent much of my life not feeling good enough and experiencing social anxiety. I missed so many opportunities because I was afraid of being judged harshly, criticised and rejected – and because I doubted that I had the ‘right’ personality to succeed. Quiet Connections exists in part because I had a fantastic coach who helped me to work through old patterns of keeping myself small and hidden so that I could show up and be seen to play my part in creating the more connected, curious and compassionate world that I dream of. Now, I’m passionate about helping quiet people discover their unique qualities, gifts, passions and experiences and explore how best to use these to express themselves more authentically and contribute to the world in a way that works with their quieter or more sensitive nature. Get to know me here.

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