Understanding Why We Freeze or Fawn When We Feel Unsafe

Understanding Why We Freeze or Fawn When We Feel Unsafe

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wanted to say “no” or express your thoughts but felt completely unable to? You’re not alone. This is a common experience, especially among those of us who are quiet, introverted, or sensitive. Understanding why this happens and learning to approach it with self-compassion can help…

How to keep healthy boundaries through bullying, people pleasing and fight, flight, freeze – with Dr Suzanne Henwood, Stress & Anxiety Master Coach

How to keep healthy boundaries through bullying, people pleasing and fight, flight, freeze – with Dr Suzanne Henwood, Stress & Anxiety Master Coach

Guest: Dr Suzanne Henwood Website | Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn Suzanne Henwood is a stress and anxiety coach; one of only 2 Master Trainers and Master Coaches in mBIT globally, and an NLP Trainer who works closely with ANLP (the Association of NLP) and is the International Ambassador for ANLP in New Zealand. With a PhD in…

Why Can’t You Speak? – with Chelsea Gamache, the Selective Mutism Podcast Host

Why Can’t You Speak? – with Chelsea Gamache, the Selective Mutism Podcast Host

Guest: Chelsea Gamache Website | Instagram | Facebook Transcript Hayley Stanton: Have you ever felt like you just can’t get your words out? Like somebody talks to you and you just seem to freeze? And your words get stuck in your throat? Well in this episode we are talking about how being unable to get…