Coaching to help you flourish as your true quiet self

Nurture a greater sense of purpose and wellbeing, feel more confident and live a fulfilling life that’s true to you.

How coaching can help

  • Are you an introvert seeking to uncover your confidence and build more meaningful relationships?
  • Is anxiety or stress overwhelming you in everyday social situations?
  • Do you desire a life or career path that feels purposeful and aligned with who you really are – but you don’t know where to start?
  • Or perhaps you simply want to feel more at ease in the skin you’re in and show up as your best self?

Whatever your goals, if you’re ready to grow and accept yourself for who you really are, we’re here for you.

Our experienced, qualified coaches are quiet people like you, so they truly understand the challenges that you’ve been facing.

Their role is to help you to tune into your inner wisdom and empower you to make the positive changes that you desire using a mix of helpful tools, techniques and strategies. Through supportive, discovery-based frameworks they’ll help you to uncover and get to know your unique qualities, passions and experiences, exploring how they can work best for you and for your wider community. And they’ll help you to finally feel more aligned with what exactly it is that you want to contribute to the world…we know that’s something you’ve been craving, because we’ve been there too.

If you think that coaching is something that you might benefit from, we’d be honoured to support you on your journey. The first step is to book a free 30 minute discovery call so we can begin to get to know each other and make sure we’re a good fit. 

“It’s the most liberating thing I’ve ever experienced in my life”

“The first time I came for a coaching session I didn’t know what I was doing with my life at all. I couldn’t figure out how to spend it in the most fulfilling and valuable way. I needed help understanding what my purpose was and what do I do now? 

Coaching made me realise that I didn’t need to do grand things to be able to hit my purpose. It was all about making the space around me the way I wanted, and this had a knock-on effect on other people. 

Coaching helped me move forward, finding rewards and purpose in my life. It’s the most liberating thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. I can now celebrate I’ve responded in a way I would not have reacted before.”

Julia, Quiet Connections Coachee

What does coaching involve?

The format and flow of sessions can vary but, essentially, we like to think of our coaches as a ‘fellow explorer’ in your journey. They’re not a counsellor or a therapist – they’re a partner who’ll facilitate thought-provoking conversations and provide the tools that’ll help you explore and gain clarity on how to move closer to the life that you want. The answers are already within you. Your coach will just help you to bring them to the surface.

Quiet Connections coaching typically includes six 60 minute sessions over three months, so you’d meet your coach on a fortnightly basis.

The cost is usually up to £120 per month (to be confirmed after your discovery call). But if you need some flexibility on the number or duration of sessions, we are always open to discussing that.

Meet our coaches




You can think of a Coach as a fellow explorer in your journey. Coaching is equal partnership between you and your Coach in a thought-provoking and empowering conversational process that incorporates appropriate strategies, tools, and techniques to help you move closer to where you want to go and how you want to show up in life.

If you’re not yet sure what this looks like for you, coaching can help you to gain clarity, ideas and options that are aligned with your true self.

Coaching is not therapy and will not explore traumatic past experiences in the manner of counselling. You will not be expected to 'fill the space' without prompting; your Coach will be active and truly curious about your experience and assist your thinking through thoughtful questioning and reflecting your insights back to you to help you make sense of your challenges.

Coaching is also not intended to provide advice or tell you what is right for you. Coaching is not directive. Your Coach is here to help you add choices and see new possibilities, and then make the wisest decisions available to you -and only you can know what is best for you after careful reflection, which is the process that your Coach will facilitate with you.

Coaching is predominantly present- and future-focused, aiming to facilitate self-directed learning, self-awareness, personal growth, and improved performance, inspiring you to maximise your potential in the areas that matter to you.

The Coach's role is to facilitate your exploration, which could involve helping you to formulate your goals or intentions; providing a balance of support and kind challenge to assist you in gaining new insights and possibilities for yourself; helping you to identify your needs and what is important to you; and assisting you in exploring the options, resources and support available to you, including your own inner strengths and wisdom.

Where appropriate, your Coach may invite you to reflect on previous experiences for the purpose of extracting learning which you can use in the future. They may also offer constructive feedback or provide accountability for taking agreed actions. Your Coach may help you to re-focus the conversation if you go 'off track' and help you to search for solutions. Your Coach will also reflect back to you your strengths, resources and achievements so that you can see the light in you more clearly for yourself.

Your Coach will be open-minded, non-judgemental, and compassionate in your interactions. They will bring attentive listening, thoughtful questioning, and constructive challenge to assist you in your development. Each Coach has a varied ‘toolkit’, and will incorporate interventions from coaching and psychology as appropriate. They may also offer relevant actions that you could take that could support you in achievement of your goals -what you take away and choose to act on is always entirely up to you.

We believe that:

  1. You can achieve more than you already are; everyone has hidden potential waiting to be unlocked.
  2. You have all the resources that you need, even if you don’t see this for yourself yet.
  3. You are the expert on you, because both you and your path are unique. Therefore, people benefit the most when they are supported to access the wisdom they hold within, rather than simply being told what to do.
  4. Success depends on discovering new options, increasing personal flexibility, and having the willingness to try out new methods.
  5. Anything can be accomplished if the task is broken down into manageable, bitesize steps.
  6. Failures are stepping stones on the path to success; we learn and grow from things not going to plan.
  7. We are all unique, experience the world in different ways, and have our own individual way of being -and embracing our uniqueness is the greatest gift we can offer the world.

You will get the most out of coaching when:

  • You're already in a place where you are keen to dive in and explore what more there is inside of you and all the possibilities that exist for you.
  • You believe that you can change and create change for yourself. Maybe you just don't quite know how or what that looks like right now, but you are super curious to uncover your potential!
  • You're willing to turn inwards, be vulnerable, sit with discomfort, and to have a go (even when it sucks) because you know this is what it takes to be a truer, wiser version of yourself in this world.
  • You are invested in your own growth and committed to showing up and putting in the effort.

No, sorry. We don't specialise in working with autistic people here at Quiet Connections. Our focus is introversion, high sensitivity and social anxiety.

We do welcome autistic people in our community and on our programmes, but we know that there are other coaching services run by people with specialist training, skills and experience, which we don't have, who specifically serve the autistic community.

Get to know your Coach before deciding to work with them...

You can learn more about each coach, their experience and their stories here.

You can book a free 30-minute discovery call with a coach to see if we're a good fit for you. Book a Discovery Call Here

Coaching in Nature across Cornwall

We offer walking-exploring sessions across much of Cornwall, partnering with blue and green spaces in our coaching approaches (We regularly coach in the areas of Penzance, Porthleven, The Lizard, Helston, Hayle, Falmouth, Redruth, Camborne, Portreath, Truro, Mount Hawke, Porthtowan, Perranporth, Newquay and Charlestown - get in touch to find out where we can work with you).

Coaching from Further Afield

If you live outside of these areas or prefer to connect through technology, you can also have coaching sessions via Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp Video, or a simple phone call if you're more comfortable with this.

You get out of coaching what you put in. So, to gain the most from your coaching sessions and maximise your results, you are responsible for:

• Preparing for each session by (a) reflecting on your topic between sessions through thinking, journaling, or talking, and (b) considering what you would like to explore in the next session (e.g., you could bring a particular challenge, opportunity, question, or curiosity about how you show up, interact, and make decisions in any life area).

• Ensuring that you can talk freely and will not be interrupted or overheard during your sessions, keeping your mobile phone on silent and using a private space if coaching online. Your Coach will do the same.

• Taking agreed actions between sessions, or otherwise be willing to explore the reasons if not carried through.

• Bringing an open-minded and curious attitude to your sessions; you are here to explore and expand your available options and flexibility.

• Being willing to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want (your Coach can also help you with this).

• Telling the Coach all relevant information that will assist you in achieving your goals and overcoming any issues or blocks to your success.

• Being honest and open in the conversations, including providing feedback to the Coach where needed.

• Your own learning and development. You may wish to bring a notebook and pen to jot down insights and actions during meetings.

Each session will usually begin with an update on any actions you’ve taken or challenges you have faced between sessions, then prioritising and agreeing areas to work on in that session.

As you take steps forward and gain new insights, your priorities, life areas of focus and curiosities may change, so coaching aims to be flexible to meet you where you are in each session. Therefore, the timing, location, and focus of sessions are open to change as you progress.


Notice: If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, please provide a minimum of 48 hours’ notice where possible so that someone else may be offered your space. Missed appointments and late cancellations will result in loss of a pre-paid session (genuine medical emergencies excepted).

Method: You will be provided with a link to easily cancel or reschedule your coaching session and notify your Coach. Or you may contact your Coach directly via email or text.

Exiting: If you wish to end your coaching sessions early for any reason, you may do so by informing your Coach. Alternatively, you can email the admin team at but if you have an upcoming session, please also cancel this with your Coach as outlined above as this mailbox is not checked daily. Unused pre-paid sessions cancelled with the required notice period will be refunded.

Quiet Connections and your Coach is committed to the confidentiality of the coaching relationship, as well as all information (documented or verbal) that you may share with your Coach as part of the coaching relationship.

Confidentiality may be broken in the following circumstances, which the Coach would endeavour to discuss with you prior to acting:

1. Where you give consent for information to be shared with a third party

2. Where the Coach is legally compelled to disclose information

3. Where the Coach believes that you or other people may be in danger

In addition, as Professional Coaches, we undertake Coach Supervision and further studies in which we may share some information about our experiences as a Coach for the purpose of our own development of practice and so that we may serve our Quieteers better. This will be anonymous and only non-identifiable information will be shared.

If you have been referred and funded by another organisation, your Coach may be required to share session dates and, occasionally, an overview of the sessions with the referrer; in such cases, communications use only your initials. Your Coach will inform you if this has been requested and you can view session reports before they are sent if you wish.

Feedback: You are invited to provide constructive feedback to your Coach at any time knowing that we are learning and growing together. Your Coach will seek feedback from you throughout the coaching process. You will also be invited to complete a feedback survey at the end of your coaching experience to help us capture what’s working well and what can be improved. This also provides us with the necessary evidence of our work and impact for our stakeholders.

Complaints: In the first instance, it is recommended that you discuss with your Coach if you feel something isn’t working well, so that they may alter their approach. If you do not feel able to do so, you may contact one of the Directors by email to share your concerns or request a meeting to discuss and seek resolutions together. If you wish to make a formal complaint, you will need to put your complaint with all relevant details in writing and email

Our coaching package includes six 60-minute coaching sessions, meeting with your coach two-weekly over a duration of three months, for an investment of up to £120/month (if required, a discounted rate may be available by discussion with a coach).

Need some flexibility? It's easy to add further sessions if you feel these would be beneficial for you; complete your sessions more quickly by meeting with your coach weekly; or even pause your sessions if you'd like a take a short break. Just speak with your coach in your introductory call or during your coaching sessions to explore the possibilities.

Want less sessions? Sure! Just agree this with your Coach in your introductory call.

We’ve got you - there’s an extended payment plan for those that need this and payment can be split into monthly payments throughout the duration of your coaching programme. Just drop us a message to arrange.