Join our Weekly Meet Ups in Liskeard
Connect with likeminded quieteers at Liskeard Public Hall, every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
This weekly group is designed to help you make meaningful connections with likeminded people in a calm and gentle way that feels authentic to your true quiet self.
Whether you’re chatting and sharing stories with your fellow quieteers, enjoying a craft or wellbeing activity, or simply relaxing with a good book in the company of others, this is a safe space where your quiet voice matters - and where you can feel part of a community that truly gets you.
We can’t wait to welcome you.
Your Liskeard Meet Ups leaders
We're here to greet you, guide the event and lead the optional activities, as well as answer any questions or concerns that you might have.
Click our photos below to see our stories.

Ellie Zalick

Zoe Zalick


Ellie Zalick
Hi, I’m Ellie.
I consider myself an introvert and have experienced anxiety around social situations since I was seven. I feel like people often made assumptions about me. Some mistook my silence as rude and didn’t give me the space and time I needed to speak; others found it uncomfortable and labelled me as ‘weird’. Some thought it made me weak and an easy target for bullying; and others assumed I lacked confidence. And for a while I accepted these things, feeling I was socially inept, dysfunctional and believing I had to learn to be loud to be confident. But over time, I have learnt this isn’t true. I can be quietly confident, I can thrive in conversations when given the space and time I need, and I can challenge people’s perceptions of quiet. It is important to me that quieter people have a space where they can connect with likeminded people; where they feel accepted for who they are and comfortable in their own quiet skin.

Zoe Zalick
Hello, I am Zoe Zalick – Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), musician, teacher, voice coach, sci-fi fan and lover of cats, coasts and campervans. I spend most of my days using my voice and helping others to use theirs so people don’t always realise that as a young adult I was painfully shy and struggled to say anything at all.
I had a lifetime of school reports that said ‘should speak up in class’ as if it was a deliberate choice of mine rather than an anxious response to not being allowed time to think or space to be myself.
And when it came to people my own age – I could never work out what it was they wanted from me. Whatever I said was wrong and when I didn’t say anything that was wrong too. I didn’t understand the ‘rules’. I felt like an outcast. I turned to music so that I could disappear into my own world and not have to speak to anyone.
Ironically, that is when things got better for me. All the time spent alone, practising, meant that I got good. My music attracted an audience that actually wanted to listen to me. And then other musicians who wanted to play with me. And then students who wanted to learn from me. They shared my interests and often, my feelings about the world. We listened to and understood each other. Suddenly I had a social life. And meaningful work. So before I knew it I was singing and speaking on stage and in the classroom and feeling like a competent and confident human being!
Nowadays I am far more relaxed around people and comfortable with conversation in pretty much any situation – I would even go so far as to say I enjoy it! But I have not forgotten how it feels to be nervous, anxious and full of self doubt. I have much empathy, respect and patience for every individual who treads that path.
As a Quiet Connector volunteer at the Liskeard Meet Up, alongside Ellie, I aim to create a space which is warm and welcoming. Where you are valued and feel like you belong. Where you can make genuine connections with others who make an effort to listen and understand you.
I think quiet, sensitive and introverted people present only a small part of themselves to the outside world. Like the TARDIS, we are bigger on the inside. So much so, that sometimes we can get lost in there. It feels good to occasionally throw the doors open and allow a select bunch of open minded, non judgemental people, a tiny glimpse of who we really are.
This is what I think Quiet Connections is all about.

Become a Quiet Connector with us
Our weekly Meet Ups gently connect quieteers like us in a safe, relaxing space where it’s okay to talk and it’s okay to be quiet too. Here, you can flourish in your life and career as your true quiet self – and help others do the same.
Find out more about how you can get involved at
What to Expect
A relaxed, welcoming environment
We’ve chosen the Wheal Phoenix Room at Liskeard Public Hall because it’s a calm and cosy space. We always keep our group small too, to help you feel welcomed.
It’s okay to talk and it’s okay to be quiet too
We understand that you may prefer to ease into conversation gradually, or that some days you might like to sit quietly with a good book whilst simply in the company of others. We welcome both quietude and chatter.
You can go at your own pace
Our intention is to help you connect with others, but there’s absolutely no pressure to participate or set any big goals. You’re invited to do what feels right for you.
Optional activities
Every week we bring along materials for casual, optional activities for you to participate in if you wish, from creative journaling to painting to crochet. You’re also welcome to bring your own creative project or a book to read.
Conversation starters on the tables
We know that getting to know new people can be challenging, so we’ve done the tricky part for you and provided some interesting, positive questions that you can ask your fellow quieteers.
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits…
Because you can’t have a meeting without them, right?
What Quieteers are Saying
“The best bit is that there’s no pressure to be anyone but yourself. Other people can relate to how hard and stressful it can be. It’s really good; a chilled atmosphere and no pressure to participate.”
Gemma, Plymouth
“Thank you for today, it was an incredibly validating experience, having some company without any pressure to talk or be a certain way. I was surprised how comfortable I felt so quickly.”
Anonymous, Cornwall
Where to Find Us
Wheal Phoenix Room in the Public Hall
Liskeard Town Council, 3-5 West Street, PL14 6BW
Getting here
- By car: The nearest car park is Westbourne Car Park just around the corner, and it’s free after 4pm.
- By train: Liskeard Train Station is a 15 minute walk away (0.7 miles).
- By bus: There’s a bus stop outside Lloyds Bank and the Post Office, just 1 minute walk away.
Getting in
We’ll be meeting in the Wheal Phoenix Room which has its own separate entrance. Look for the blue door in the long building, next to the main Public Hall building. You’ll see a ‘Town Council Office’ plaque next to the door. Go through the blue door and up the stairs to the Wheal Phoenix Room. Lift access is available through the main hall entrance.
If you would like any more detailed information about getting to our Liskeard Meet Ups we’d be very happy to send this to you in an email. Just contact Ellie or Lucy on

How to Join a Liskeard Meet Up
You don’t have to register to come along - it’s okay to simply turn up on the day. However, on the first time that you’re joining us, if you know in advance that you’re going to come along it would be really helpful if you could sign up using our booking form below. This means we can say hello and answer any of your questions before you come along, we can easily contact you if there are any changes to the schedule, and we can get feedback from you now and again to help us improve. It’s your choice though. Either way, we are very much looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you into the group.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will Liskeard Public Hall be open to the general public during the Meet Up, or is it just quieteers?
The whole New Liskeard Room is ours between 7:30pm and 9:30pm, so it's only us quieteers in the space.
Who is leading the Meet Up?
The Liskeard Meet Ups are led by Ellie (see her photo above).
Is there any cost involved?
No, all of our Meet Ups are free to attend. We’re a Community Interest Company so funding comes from The National Lottery Community Fund. All refreshments including water, teas, coffees, hot chocolate and biscuits are provided free of charge too - although you’re very welcome to bring along your own drink if you prefer, or additional treats to share with the group.
Do I need to book a Meet Up space in advance?
You don’t have to book - it’s ok to just turn up on the day. However, on the first time that you’re joining us, if you know in advance that you’re going to come along it would be really helpful if you could sign up using our booking form below. This means we can say hi and answer any of your questions before you come along, we can easily contact you if there are any changes to the schedule, and we can get feedback from you now and again to help us improve.
How many people are usually at a Meet Up?
On average, our Liskeard Meet Up typically has around 5 or 6 people in attendance each week.
What is the feel of the group and space like?
The New Liskeard Room in Liskeard Public Hall is a cosy and welcoming space, where we aim to create an ambience that feels both calm and re-energising. We’ll often have uplifting or relaxing music playing quietly in the background. Our facilitators focus on nurturing conversations and participation that has a collective positive upwards spiral e.g. gratitude, small comfort zone stretch wins, things that bring us joy, what we’re learning etc. And there is usually a gentle mix of chatter and quieter moments.
Are there any stairs to get to the Meet Up room?
Yes, there are stairs to get to the Liskeard Room. There is a lift in the building, but the Liskeard Room has limited accessibility because using the lift means you need to go through another room to get to it, which may be booked out. It’s worth checking with Liskeard Public Hall whether our Liskeard Room will be fully accessible on the date you want to join us by calling 01579 559565 or emailing Ellie can help you with this if you drop her an email at
Is there *really* no expectation or pressure to join in and participate? Can I *really* go at my own pace?
We really do remove the pressure - because we’ve been there too. As quiet facilitators, we like to think that we’ve found a good balance between being attentive to the group and giving you your own space. If we sense you’re in any difficulty, we will gently make sure that you’re okay. But otherwise we will allow you to join in as much or as little as you like.
Am I able to step out of the room for a quiet moment to myself if I need it?
Yes. We’ll always encourage you to give yourself what you need. If at any point you feel you need to step away, you are welcome to go and make yourself a cuppa or leave for a break before rejoining the group. Our facilitators will be mindful to offer that space and a check-in chat, if needed.
What kinds of activities do you run at this Meet Up?
All sorts! We bring along materials for optional casual activities that’ll spark creativity, start conversations and boost your wellbeing. This might be colouring, painting, crocheting, journaling and more.
Can I bring a friend?
Absolutely. We recognise this might be helpful as you’re settling in and getting to know the other group members.
Can you greet me outside of the Public Hall before I come in?
Yes, we’d be happy to help with that. Just send Ellie a message at and she’ll arrange this for you.
Can I try other locations or should I always go to the Liskeard Meet Up?
You’re welcome to try Meet Ups in multiple locations. There’s no obligation to always go to the same one, but you’re more likely to make friends and genuine connections if you go to the same Meet Up more than once.
Is it mandatory to come along every week?
Whilst many do choose to attend weekly, we also have valuable members within the community who only attend as and when they can.
How long is this Meet Up?
It’s two hours in length (every Wednesday from 7.00pm to 9.00pm).
Where should I park?
We’ve included parking instructions above but feel free to email Ellie on if you’d like some more detailed information on this. If you’re looking for accessible parking spaces, the closest are at the top entrance to Westbourne Car Park with more available at the bottom end of Westbourne Car Park near to the Co-op supermarket.
How will I get there if I don’t drive?
We’ve included travel and public transport information above but please email Ellie on if you’d like some more detailed information about how to get here.
I’m interested in volunteering as a group leader. How can I get involved?
We’re always pleased to hear from lovely volunteers in our local community. If you think you might like to help us run a Meet Up or get involved with Quiet Connections in another way, please contact Hayley & Stacie on and they’ll be in touch.